Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Dragons and babies

I can not believe tomorrow is August already. My baby girl will be turning five in two weeks. I am so not ready to discuss that yet.  July has been a very busy month. One of the highlights was our trip to Savannah for Auntie CareCare's baby shower. I won't get into all the details of the party (sorry, I have a lot to do in the next 4 weeks) but did want to share some of the highlights from our week.

Perhaps the thing that will stick with me the longest - possibly forever since I have my personal stereo named Brennan stuck on repeat - is the kids learning and signing Peter, Paul and Mary's Puff the Magic Dragon. It all started with a little book about a reluctant dragon. For whatever reason the kids love this book at Nana and Pop's house. And the second night we were there Brennan was fighting bedtime. In lieu of his usual bedtime lullaby he requested a dragon song. Well, Puff, is the only dragon song I know and I could only remember the first line. So Maya found it on YouTube and played it for them. They very quickly memorized the first verse. Kaelyn has all but the last verse memorized now. And now, for your viewing pleasure, Brennan's performance of Puff the Magic Dragon:

The kids were very affectionate toward the baby in Care Care's belly, hugging and kissing and talking to him every day. But Brennan still has a lot to learn about babies. Evidenced by his very logical-for-a-two-year old question, "Care Care, why you eat your baby?" He also learned the word boobie. Although I don't think he really knows what it is since he often points to my shoulder and says "Boobie!"

Kaelyn also still has a lot to learn to about where babies come from. I wasn't quite prepared when she asked how the baby was going to get out of Care Care's belly. I don't remember who it was that told her it would come out the "Exit" but that seemed to satisfy her curiosity, at least for the moment. (Note to self: come up with a game plan to discuss where babies come from before she asks again.)

And here are some photo highlights from the rest of the trip.

Lots of golf:

A day at the beach:

Baby Time!

Kaelyn and her new buddy Reese:

Beautiful Mommy to Be:

Showing of her manicure:

Cuddling with Daddy to Be:

My dreaming angels: