Sunday, February 16, 2014

Body parts, M&M's and potty training

Let's start with the good news. Brennan is using the potty! Pretty consistently. And staying dry most of the day.  At least for number one anyway. He's still pretty stubborn when it comes to number two. But hey, we'll take a win wherever we can get one these days. Even if I had to use m&m's to reward/bribe him into doing it.

We've been trying to encourage, without pushing, him to use the potty for several months now. Probably since right after we moved. Finally I decided we needed a little pushing because we registered him for preschool in the Fall and he has to be potty trained to attend. So, when we ran out of diapers last week I bought one more pack and declared them "for bedtime only." And I let him pick out whichever training pants he wanted. Side note: he must be picking up some thriftiness from me because he actually picked the CVS brand over the Pull-ups with Cars on them.

Well, that still didn't seem to help at first. So I tried to come up with some rewards to motivate him. Still not interested in anything we offered, even the $1 from Dada. Until I said "M&M." Those two little letters were like a magic key.  We were pretty confident he was already capable of it. It was just his stubbornness stopping him. Now we're one step closer to being diaper free! Woohoo! I'm not really proud of bribing him. Especially with candy. But boy will I be one happy mama when I never have to buy a diaper again and that day is very soon.

And just in case the potty training story doesn't embarrass Brennan enough when he's older I've got another goody for you. This is one of those cases where I'll just have to beg forgiveness later because it's too good not to share.

Lately Brennan has been obsessed with his nipples. He plays with them constantly. Watching a show, snuggling in bed, sitting at dinner, pretty much any time his hands aren't otherwise occupied. I even went to pick him up from child watch at the Y the other day and caught him with his hand up his shirt.

I'm not really sure if this is normal but we've pretty much just been ignoring it (to his face anyway, behind his back we laugh like 6th grade boys) and hoping it's a phase he'll grow out of soon. Or, at least before he starts preschool.

On a related note, he's been obsessed with the mole by mouth pretty much since he was a baby. He's been showing more interest in it again lately and calling it a "mipple." When I try to correct him and tell him it's called a mole he very matter-of-factly corrects me and insists its a "mipple." Perhaps it's time for me to consider removing the offending mole. Do people look at me and think I have a nipple on my face? That might be more embarrassing than having a child in preschool who plays with his nipples and still poops in his pants.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Love Potion No.9

Thanks to the lovely world of Pinterest and another snow day, I was inspired to do a little science experiment with the kids today. Being Valentine's Day and all we decided to make "love potions." Plus, it's super simple. Baking soda, food coloring and vinegar. All things we had in the house.

As you can see, and easy experiment with high impact and excitement value for kids.  Absolutely love seeing the excitement on their faces as it bubbled over.

We ran out of vinegar but they didn't want to be done so they started mixing their jars together to see what would happen.

And then Brennan did this for at least another half an hour.

I tried explaining what a love potion was but Brennan wasn't listening and I think it just confused Kaelyn. Luckily they're both so lovable they'll never need a potion.

I don't know if they really learned anything about science but it was a fun diversion and hopefully it at least got them thinking and wondering about the world around them and asking questions.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Another snow day here. It really looks pretty coming down. But, since I think most of you are sick of the snow by now I'll share with you something that never gets old. Watching my kids sing along to Frozen songs. They might be slightly obsessed. They know most of the words to most of the songs from the movie. At least Kaelyn does. Brennan fills in a lot with his own version. Certainly can't say I blame them. It was a good movie with good songs. Even the adults enjoyed it.

Hopefully next time I can get a video of Brennan dancing along to In Summer sung by Olaf. That's one Frozen performance that would be sure to warm you up even on the coldest winter day.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snow Day!

It's the first official snow day here in Concord. I think we're expecting somewhere between 6 and 10 inches when all is said and done. Not crazy. But the timing was just right to make the roads too dangerous to send kids to school. And even though it's been a pretty mild winter here in New England (at least compared to what's happening back in the Midwest, guess we got out of there just in time) we've already had a few fun snow adventures. And since I'm feeling a little under the weather and not so sure I want to take the kids out today (even though Kaelyn has already asked about 10 times when we can go out and build a snowman) I'll share with you some of our previous snow fun.

In Wisconsin:

Snow angels with Auntie Jen-Jen:

Sledding in Maya and Buppa's back yard:

Aren't they cute little snow bunnies?

Brennan made himself comfortable on the sidewalk while having his snow snack:

Remember how good you thought snow tasted when you were a kid?

First down-hill sledding experience at White Park:

Brennan cried most of the time, went down with me twice and then resorted to digging in the snow with his sled:

This one had a blast and has become quite a fearless sledder. Hoping she shows as much excitement and courage when we try skiing.

Finding out what hockey is all about at the Black Ice Pond Hockey tournament:

Warming up by the bonfire:

They watched hockey for about two minutes and then spent about an hour "ice-sliding" and playing on the playground. Kaelyn found her best friend. Brennan wanted to hold a hand the whole time so I have no pictures of him sliding.

Second sledding excursion. "Incoming!!!"
 Bren had more fun this time but still wouldn't go by himself. Which was probably for the best.

Anyone in the mood for hot chocolate?