Sunday, June 30, 2013

Two weeks

Whoa! Who knew so much good happen and be done in two short weeks?

If you don't already know, two weeks ago last Friday Matt was offered the position of Executive Director of the New Hampshire Golf Association. I am so proud of him and excited for him (and us)! He has worked so hard and truly deserves this opportunity.

So... here is what our life has looked like since then (I may be missing a few things. It's all a little blurry from lack of sleep):

Lots of yard work
Father's Day celebration
Cleaning the house
Meeting with Realtor
Kid swap with best buds Hudson and Tucker (lifesaver for getting the house ready!) x 4
Trip to Lowe's
Packing stuff up
Not one, but two book club meetings
Staging the house
Yoga (gotta stay calm and centered)
Patching and painting walls
Listing the house

Donating almost two carloads of stuff
Bringing sick kid to Minute Clinic for ear infection
Hair cut
Night out to celebrate Matt's new job
Play date with more friends
More yard work
Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning
Packing, packing, packing
Another trip to Lowe's 
Playing at the park
Showing the house three times in two days (have you ever tried to keep your house show ready for two days with two kids and a dog? Exhausting!)
Offer on the house!!!!
Farmer's market
Signing papers
Sold sign up!
(whew! no more cleaning for awhile! just packing...)

 And Matt has been working every. single. day. So it's all been a little surreal. I'm hoping now that the house is sold and Matt has a day off this week, we can relax a little bit and at least and try to soak in the reality of this major life change. And maybe figure out where we're going to live in New Hampshire. I already have three real estate apps on the iPad. I may or may not be slightly obsessed with house hunting.

As much as I am excited about and looking forward to exploring New Hampshire it's going to be hard to leave Franklin and all the friends we've made here. I'm not quite ready to get into that yet though. I'm too exhausted to be emotional right now.

On a lighter note, I think we've found an architect and builder to build us a house in New Hampshire.

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