Kaelyn slept until 8:30 yesterday! A full hour later than she usually sleeps. So, against my better judgment, I decided it’d be ok to meet some friends at the apple orchard right before our usual nap time. Of course, as soon as I tell Kaelyn about our impending adventure her moody side starts shining through and I immediately regret telling her, because of course now we have to go or face major meltdown. Fully realizing that the meltdown is now inevitable, I decided to at least delay it and go ahead to the orchard.
Several moments could have ruined my mood and the entire outing including get lost not once, but three times on the way there. On the third time Brennan woke up and started chatting in the back seat and Kaelyn says, “I think B is saying he wants his big sister to get to the orchard now.” This was after we got stuck between two oversized load trucks on the small town streets of Mooresville. When we finally got there Kaelyn was set on having a picnic lunch at the orchard, so I set our lunch on a picnic table and we started to eat. Half a bite into our sandwiches we were surrounded by bees. So, we had our picnic lunch in the car, which Kaelyn thought was hilarious. Still, I was determined not to let it get me down and enjoy the beautiful day (at least until it was time to go home and the meltdown would ensue). The kids were still enjoying it so why shouldn’t I?

We picked apples, ate apples, drank our slushies (Kaelyn’s favorite part of the orchard adventure) and played on the playground and had a pretty good time. And Brennan was perfectly content the whole time just hanging out in the Bjorn and grabbing the occasional leaf as we walked through trees. When it was finally time to go a full hour and half after nap time is supposed to start there was naturally some resistance and few tears but not the World War III I was expecting. I was crossing my fingers that they’d both fall asleep in the car, but I got my ear chatted off instead.
In the end Kaelyn didn’t nap at all and Brennan didn’t nap as much as I wanted. But on the meltdown scale no one went above a 3 and we got to see good friends, enjoy what may have been the last warm, sunny day of summer, pick delicious apples, drink slushies and play outside. And for a double bonus both kids went to bed early without a fight!