Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Better late than never

After years (3 to be exact) of thinking I'd be able to store all the memories with my kids in my tiny little brain, I have finally surrendered to the fact that it ain't gonna work.  I mean, I can barely remember what happened yesterday.  So here I go, starting a "keepsake" blog, so I can look back in 20 years and actually remember a few things from Kaelyn's and Brennan's childhood.  And Kaelyn, I guess I have to apologize now that I may not remember much from the first 3 years of your life.  I always knew I should be writing things down, but just never quite got around to it.  Better late than never, right?  Or maybe I should be more worried that you'll both be upset that I've recorded any of it for public view.  Oh well, you can tell your therapist all about it later.  Right now, this is my therapy.  (You'll understand what I mean when you have your own kids.)

This blog is starting out as way for me to save my own memories of my children's lives.  But it also serves as a tool to feel closer to our family and friends whom we can not be physically close to.  I will give my best effort to update regularly, but I refuse to define "regularly" just yet. I hope by sharing some of the hilarious, sweet and hairpulling moments of life with "The Princess" and "B" everyone can laugh a little and see just how wonderful (if sometimes challenging) life with these crazy kids is.  And we will just have to wait and see what this endeavor grows in to.

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