Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cookie Time!

One batch of Christmas cookies down.  Kaelyn was an amazing helper every step of the way.  Or, at least until I let her eat one and then she got distracted by Matt playing the golf game on Wii (she likes to "help" him swing and tell the ball where to go).  She had a hard time waiting for the dough to chill but was super excited when she got up from nap and it was finally time to cut and bake them.  And she didn't need to wait for me to tell her what to do or help her.  She remembered from last year and dug right in.




Eating. Finally!


Sorry, buddy.  Only crackers for you. Maybe next year.  You're so cute though. 

P.S. She wore her apron for about eight hours straight. Even to nap.

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