Thursday, June 13, 2013


We already knew that Brennan is a golf fan. And he's not too bad for a 2-year old. But somewhere in the last two weeks it has turned into an obsession for him.

It may have started at my cousin's wedding where we had to drag him off the driving range kicking and screaming.

And then while Nana and Pop were here we pulled out Kaelyn's clubs and Pop practiced with the kids.  Now the plastic Wii golf club and rubber Mickey ball are no longer good enough for him. He'll only use Kaelyn's real golf clubs and real golf balls.  Most days as soon as he gets up in the morning or gets up from nap I hear, "Where my gowf cub? Where my gowf ball?"  One night he came into our room in the middle of the night with the golf club in tow.  Even brought it into bed. And I think we need to find a mini golf glove because he had a blister on his thumb the other day. 

The boy may just have the dedication to go pro one day.

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