Friday, November 1, 2013

Fairies and Super heros

I was feeling ambitious (for about 5 minutes) and decided to go the homemade route for Halloween costumes this year. I think we saved quite a bit of money since Brennan's whole costume cost about $3 in duct tape and felt, but it may be the last time I do it. They turned out halfway decent though and the kids seem to like them. (In case you you're not sure but too afraid to ask, Brennan is a super hero and Kaelyn is Tinker Bell.) Actually, at first I was worried that all my hard work was a waste when Brennan came down from his nap to see his finished costume and insisted that it was for Baby Connor and cried that he wanted to be a car. But fifteen minutes later he had it on and has worn it almost every day since.

The kids had a blast downtown Concord last Friday for the annual Halloween Howl on Main Street.

Since Kaelyn is on a fairy kick we took her to a fairy house building event Matt found out about in a nearby town last Saturday. It wasn't exactly what I was expecting but it was pretty cool. I was a little worried that we might have some tears and/or pouting once she found out she wouldn't get to take her fairy house home but I think the authenticity of it staying in the woods actually made her more excited.

And we can't forget our annual tradition of the jack o' lantern kiss. Brennan got in on the action this year too.

We also attempted something new this year. The kids painted 3 smaller pumpkins with chalkboard paint. The plan was to have them color, draw or write whatever they wanted on them and then we could change them for Thanksgiving. Unfortunately when we tried that we mostly ended up scraping the paint off. Oh, well. Guess I probably should have read the entire instructions but I was lazy. They had fun painting at least. I practically had to drag Brennan away after his 16th coat so he could take a bath.

It was a wet, but thankfully not too cold, Halloween in the Northeast. The kids were adorable trick-or-treating and got way more candy than they actually need.

Hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween!

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