I sure do find some myself thinking about how lucky I am pretty often lately. Some people say you create your own luck. The more I think about it lately I don't even know if it's luck I have so much as that I'm learning to more fully appreciate all the wonderful things God has blessed me with - even amidst the craziness and imperfectness that is life. Life is far from all rainbows and four leaf clovers and pots of gold over here. But I've been finding that the more often I pause, even for a few seconds, to appreciate the small moments the more contentment, happiness and "luck" I seem to find in my life.
This water fountain at The Currier Art Museum had Brennan mesmerized. (I hope it was the water and not the sculpture of the naked lady.) |
Like last week, when I was coming up the stairs and paused at the top to listen to the little voices coming from Brennan's room. The kids had been playing upstairs quietly and I had no idea what they might be up to. I realized they were sitting side by side in the top bunk cuddled under a blanket and Kaelyn was reading book after book to her little brother. *Sigh* It hit me that I have so much to be thankful for in that one little moment. Like two kids who love books. Two kids who love each other. A house that is
full of books for our kids. The soft light that was shining through the window that just seemed to "make" the moment. A daughter who is a proficient reader and can fill in the gaps of reading to her little brother since I know I don't make nearly enough time to do it myself. The list goes on.
Our hard-working artist |
I think the quiet only lasted another three minutes. Not quite long enough for me to enjoy some quiet time to myself. But I chose to remember the details of that moment because it makes me feel good inside. Who doesn't want to feel good? I can't even remember what caused the chaos that followed. True, some days are harder than others to find things to appreciate or remember to focus on the good parts. But the more I at least try, the happier I am and the "luckier" I realize I truly am.
On the deck of the U.S.S. Constitution on a VERY chilly day in Boston. |
Wishing everyone I love the "luck" of the Irish today and always.
And please forgive me if this post was little too corny and sappy.