Tuesday, March 4, 2014


It's my baby's birthday. I guess it's a good thing that even on his birthday he doesn't change who he is. He still remembers how to test my patience and make me feel crazy. And make me smile and laugh and make my heart melt. And somehow he manages to do all of those things within the span of two minutes.

Eating his requested birthday breakfast of Mini Wheats

Brennan's favorites right now (straight from his mouth):
Color: Red
Song: ABC's
Food: Mac 'N' Cheese
Show: Little Einsteins
Game: "This game" throwing a balloon up in the air. "You have to throw it up and catch it."
Dinosaur: A Rex
Thing to do with Kaelyn: slide
Thing to do with Dada: wrestling
Thing to do with Mama: play cars
Thing to do with friends: cars and dabloons and soccer
Book: Shark Vs. Train
Animal: Monkey

Restaurant: I don't know
Drink: Lemonade
Sport: Basketball

He really got excited about opening presents this year

Ready for the rain and mud of Spring

A chef in the making

Too cute for words

Go Irish!

Trying to figure out his big boy bike

I can't believe how grown up he looks

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