Monday, June 16, 2014

In a blink of an eye

So I blinked the other day and all of a sudden my baby girl was all grown up. Seriously. One minute she's getting ready to take a shower before bed (OMG, she takes showers and not baths anymore, where has my baby gone?) and the next minute she's showing me her first loose tooth. Which, she is super excited about by the way.

She had her first ever dance recital yesterday and yes, she got to wear make up. When we were getting ready for the rehearsal last week she said to me, "You will have to teach me to put make up on by myself soon." To which I replied, "I think we can wait until you're a little older." And she responded, "Maybe when I'm like 12." 12! Do girls wear make up when they're twelve these days? Did I wear make up when I was twelve. I don't remember. She's half way there already! I was thinking more like 20.

And next year she's going to have to take a real dance class, like with a studio. No more baby Park and Rec classes for her. She loved her class this year and had so much fun at recital. I hope we find a class as good and as convenient for her next year.

And even though we are pretty much the only people in the country still in school, I simply cannot believe that this is her last week in Kindergarten. Only three more days until she's a first grader. FIRST GRADE people! How is this even possible?

I feel a little cliche writing about how fast kids grow up, but I still just can't believe it. The loose tooth thing took me totally by surprise. By the way, anyone know the going rate for a lost tooth these days? I just want to make sure the Tooth Fairy is prepared.

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