Saturday, November 8, 2014

Saying good-bye

How do you say good-bye to your best friend? To someone who's been by your side for seven years? Always happy to see you. Always there when you need him. The sweetest soul you've ever known.

Yesterday we had to say good-bye to Rudy. During the last month I've had so many emotions and thoughts over losing him but I'm not sure I can eloquently convey them now.  It's so hard to imagine our home, our family, without him. Yesterday morning I looked at his medicine bottle and tears sprang to my eyes. Later looking at his food dish brought on heaving sobs.

Telling the kids was torture. I don't think Brennan completely understands. He went from sobbing (I think mostly because he saw Kaelyn crying) to joking around and talking about getting the brown and white dog we saw at the park. Kaelyn cried a lot and was confused why he was going to have to go to Heaven when he's only seven. She wants another dog, too. She was finally comforted knowing that he would be happier in Heaven and would be able to run around and play again. She also wants to bring his picture to school to share with her class.

Baby Rudy

Chasing golf balls

Exhausted at his first ND game

Sleepy boy

You will be greatly missed little buddy. I'm so sorry for all the times you wanted to play and I thought I was too busy. You deserved better. You deserve the best. You will always be in our hearts.

Have fun chasing bubbles up there in Heaven, Buddy!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Flashback Friday: One week in

Welp, it's been just over a week since we've been in our "buy house." And boy has it been a crazy week. We had to move all of our stuff and paint the kids rooms in three days. Well, I suppose we didn't have to paint the kids' rooms, but I think it made them more excited about  moving and helped ease the transition. So I'm really glad we were able to. None of this would have been possible without the help of our family and friends, but especially Nana and Pop who very generously offered to drive up to help us with painting and moving. Nana and Pop, I promise the next time you visit it will be much more relaxing!

The kids seem to be adjusting well. Of course, we are pretty much in the same neighborhood, close to some of their friends and the park and they didn't have to switch schools. But there was a period where they (at least Kaelyn) questioned why we were moving again. It was in anticipation of this that our last house was affectionately referred to as "rent house." Before we moved out here I didn't want her getting confused when we bought a house and moved again a year later. So I tried very hard to explain to her that we would be moving to a house we would rent for a short time until we could find a house we wanted to buy. The terms "rent house" and "buy house" stuck, but I guess after a year the concept was still a little hard for a six-year old to grasp.

Nevertheless, she seems very happy in her new pink and green and brown room. And Bren loves his blue room. It really does make a huge difference to be able to paint and make it our own. Although the whole house really does feel cozy and homey, even if there are still boxes in every room.  We're getting there. Pretty soon will be back to our daily routine and mess and we won't even remember what it was like to have boxes stacked to the ceiling.  Well, I'll remember. And that's why I don't intend to move again for a very long time. Or for a very good reason. I'm not sure my back and my knees will make it through another move.

It really feels like we're home.