sweet girl |
Sometimes this girl can drive me crazy, but she also makes me laugh out loud. Every day. She can say, and do, the craziest things. And sometimes it's just the way she says it. And sometimes I really shouldn't laugh. I bite my tongue and look away, but the laughter just comes anyway. And hey, laughter's good for you, even it's laughing at something inappropriate my 3-year-old says. Because I know I've already forgotten some of the hilarious things she used to say, I really want to record as many "Kaelynisms" as I can.
An oldie but a goodie: "oh dis KK why-go baba" which, when she was about 18 months to 2 years (I think, I really have no idea because my preception of time is totally out of whack) , meant "oh this Kaelyn's water bottle."
My current fave: "last day," which refers to anything that happened in the past. Also, sometimes, but less frequently (and also less funny), "last year" or "last night" which also refers to any time in the past, not necessarily last year or last night. She has a pretty good memory, so we hear about "last day" a lot.
"Mama, I like your necklace/juice/movies/whatever she wants to have or do at the time." This is always said in a very sweet, honey-coated voice and intonation. In Kaelyn speak "like" = want = you better give it to me right now or I'll stop sounding sweet and throw a tantrum.
"I don't think we've had/done X in a while." Meaning it's about time we do/have this thing that I really want or, like above, I might throw a tantrum any minute.
Every night when Matt comes home she greets him by saying, "Dada, you still got your work clothes on." I promise, it's funnier when you hear her say it.
"Dada has to go back to his medium." Medium = meeting
"Oh, little, tiny, little, little B." Or some other variation of the baby talk she must have heard us saying to B at some point. She really nails the overly dramatic baby voice.
"Here comes the B Train, he's coming in the spaceship!" Spaceship = station
"Mostly." She just throws that in with a lot of things. For example, "Dada mostly just calls him B Train."
"Booped your nose!" Come on. Does this really need further explanation?
"Don't do drippies or pinchies." It started out with just "drippies" because she doesn't like water dripped in her face at bath. And then one day she got pinched by her pajama zipper (or maybe it started when she zipped up Matt's coat and pinched him). And now she always says them both together because you know, she frequently gets dripped with water and pinched by a zipper at the same time.
silly girl |
"Belle over Belle." This means she's wearing her Belle underwear over a Pull-Up with Belle on it. Sometimes, also, "Princesses over princess" in the same vain.
"Irish boys" and "First down!" While watching, or referring to, Notre Dame football of course.
"Big guys or little guys." To which the answer is, "Big guys cut up into little guys."
"I got my milkers!"
Another oldie but a goodie: "Outside, Backyard!" Refers to playing outside in the backyard, duh. But she says it with such enthusiasm.
God, I love this girl!
I'm sure there's a bunch I'm not thinking of right now. Maybe I'll start writing them down and do a sequel post. What are some of your favorite "Kaelynisms"?
P.S. Do you like my new header? Perfect Halloween costumes, right? Still not totally on board with the long, tangly hair, but whatev. Getting over it. It's a little large right now, I may need to play with the size. I totally wish I could take credit for it (well, I'll take credit for the cute kids at least) but I have to thank my good friend Heather for her photography skills and creativity. (Who is also probably pulling her hair out right now at my awful grammar and use of commas in this post.)