Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Go Irish Boys!

Last weekend Brennan made his first trip to Notre Dame to see the Irish take on Navy.  It was a little chilly but overall a gorgeous weekend in South Bend (minus the random thirty minute hail storm in the middle of tailgating).  We stayed in a house just a couple blocks from campus, which was so convenient since we could walk just about everywhere we needed to go.  Kaelyn was very excited to see the "Golden Done" so we took a stroll over to campus Friday after nap and she loved it.  I think she would have gone in and out all night, first looking at the Golden Dome outside and then inside to see the angels on the ceiling and the giant crown.  But alas, Nana had dinner waiting for us so we had to leave.

B's first tailgate experience was touch and go at first, but after a couple naps were had he was the life of the party.

Bantering with Dada and making everyone smile.

Kaelyn seemed to enjoy the tailgate too.  She had a lot of fun playing football with Dada, Pop and Uncle Jay.  Seeing her running around in her ensemble reminded me a of a scene with Jim Carey in Ace Ventura.  There were a few giggles and comments from strangers when they saw her but I think she looked great.  I only wish I could pull off an outfit like that.  Once she tired of football she got to watch a little bit of Jasmine and play games on Pop's "keekapooter" (computer).
Too bad she's missing her crown in this picture, it really completed the outfit

And I would vote to take her more often since she was so well behaved the whole weekend and so polite.  When we went out to breakfast Sunday morning she ordered her own drink food like a little lady - pleases and thank you's without even being reminded!  And of course what Notre Dame weekend would be complete without a second trip to the Bookstore and second and third trip to the "Golden Done."  We left South Bend on Sunday with an Irish win, a $16 bracelet for Kaelyn from the bookstore (Dada thought it would only be a couple dollars but he must have mistook the bookstore for Walmart) and some happy and tired kids (who thankfully slept most of the ride home).

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