Monday, March 5, 2012

Happy Birthday to my baby boy!

Ok, so I realize it's been forever since I posted anything.  And I still don't really feel like writing.  I'm still recovering from planning and throwing the most awesome one-year old birthday party ever.  Toot-toot!  Once in a while I have to toot my own horn. I realize there have probably been better parties in the history of time, but I was pretty proud of some of the stuff I did.  But right now I don't want to talk about the party.  I'll write another post about that later.  Right now I just want to talk about my amazing little one-year old (it's kinda surreal to actually say that).  I know people say it all the time but I seriously cannot believe it's been a whole year already since he's been born.  It went too fast!  As fun and exciting as a one-year old is, can't I keep him a baby just a little bit longer?  Please, pretty please!?  Somebody once told me that the days are long but the years are short.  Truer words have never been spoken.

Brennan had his one year check up this morning and here are his stats: 32 inches long (95%), 23.4 pounds (60%), head is 47.3cm (75%).  The doctor said he was doing great.  He already has 8 teeth and 4 molars coming in (along with a lot of pain, poor little guy).  Oh, and he may have said his first real word at the party on Saturday: ice - pronounced "eyessshhh."

Some of Brennan's favorite things at one year:
His big sister
His big brother
Snuggling (He has been such a super snuggler lately!)
Tackling his big sister
Chasing his big brother
Opening and closing the CD player
Little Einsteins (mom of the year already letting her one-year old watch cartoons)
Glow Worm
Putting lids on things
Playing in the pantry, the fridge or the bathroom cabinet
Cars (especially when someone drives them over his head and down his back)
Playing in the play kitchen
Taking all of his clothes out of the dresser and putting them back in (sometimes)
Touchy-feely books
Bouncing on the bed
Cake (like mother, like son)

We love you little boy!

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