Monday, May 7, 2012

First Haircut

You may expect this post to be about our youngest child, and not our over 3 1/2 year old. But you would be mistaken. I gave Kaelyn her first hair cut the other night. Not that she really even needed it. As much as she may wish she was, Rapunzel she is not. But she has this one chunk that grows from the middle of her head and is much longer than the rest and it drives me bonkers. Plus, it stays straight while all the hair underneath curls. Headbands, bows, clips, even hairspray. I've tried it all. But I have yet to find that elusive tool that will stay in her hair and keep that crazy long piece in line with the rest and out of her face. Not to mention that we have this tiny little trip to the beach coming up which involves just a little (a.k.a. big) event. So I decided her long hair needed a little trim.

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