Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mother's Day Tea Party

So, I guess I'm a little behind on my blogging again. C'est la vie! (Fancy Nancy and Fancy Kaelyn should be very impressed with my use of French here.) Well, my fancy girl Kaelyn invited me to a very special Mother's Day Tea Party at her school last week. It was really quite precious. And it was Kaelyn's first real tea party.  I'm so glad I got to share that time with her. The kids came in and sang all of us moms and grandmas a special little Mother's Day song.

Then the teacher read a little something that the kids wrote about their mom or grandma.

I'm not really sure why, but she looked like a scared little bunny until she got to come sit by me.

The whole set up was really quite precious.

We decorated some cookies and drank our tea.

After seeing mama drink tea almost every morning for the past 3 1/2 years Kaelyn finally got to try it for herself.  She choose blueberry.  You could tell she really wanted to like because she thought she was supposed to like it (kind of like the carrot cake milkshakes I made for dessert the other day).

After a couple tiny sips she seemed relieved when I told her she didn't have to finish it.

Thank you for a very special day my sweet girl!

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