Kaelyn, about 2 months old. I thought Bun-Bun was the cutest lovey so I was always putting him next to her in her bouncer. |
She's older and more responsible now so she's allowed to take him out once in a while. But the other night poor Bunny almost lost his head. Kaelyn and Dada were playing one of their silly games when it happened. Kaelyn didn't get quite upset as I thought she did. But I immediately got out the sewing kit and went to work. His head was hanging on by a thread. Coincidentally, we had just watched Toy Story 2 where Woody loses his arm.
Expert sewer I am not. But I did manage to reattach Bun-Bun's head. However, Kaelyn noticed that there was still a gap (where you could see what color he was originally) and some loose strings. So the needle and thread came back out the next night. This time I double sewed and pulled all the strings tight to make sure they weren't showing. Still not perfect but it should hold for awhile at least. Fingers crossed.
I really don't know what we'd do if we ever lost him. I might actually be more sad than Kaelyn. He's been such a big part of her life so far!