Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A tragic day. Almost.

Kaelyn has had Bun-Bun since right after she was born. And from about 6 months old the two were practically attached at the hip. She hasn't gone a night without him. We've had few close calls in the past, like the time I spent an hour retracing our steps multiple times at Target and even checked with the Service Desk. I was pretty sure, and more than a little scared, that we were going to have to go home without him when I got a call as I was loading Kaelyn in the car that they found him at the Pharmacy. Phew! For awhile she wasn't allowed to take him out of the house. She could bring any other "friend" but Bun-Bun had to stay home.

Kaelyn, about 2 months old. I thought Bun-Bun was the cutest lovey so I was always putting him next to her in her bouncer.

She's older and more responsible now so she's allowed to take him out once in a while. But the other night poor Bunny almost lost his head. Kaelyn and Dada were playing one of their silly games when it happened. Kaelyn didn't get quite upset as I thought she did. But I immediately got out the sewing kit and went to work. His head was hanging on by a thread.  Coincidentally, we had just watched Toy Story 2 where Woody loses his arm.

Expert sewer I am not. But I did manage to reattach Bun-Bun's head. However, Kaelyn noticed that there was still a gap (where you could see what color he was originally) and some loose strings. So the needle and thread came back out the next night. This time I double sewed and pulled all the strings tight to make sure they weren't showing. Still not perfect but it should hold for awhile at least. Fingers crossed.

I really don't know what we'd do if we ever lost him. I might actually be more sad than Kaelyn. He's been such a big part of her life so far!

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