Wednesday, November 14, 2012

70 to snowy and back to Savannah

After our trip home from Savannah we were greeted by 70 degree weather. Woohoo! Two days later, it snowed. What in the world?! Don't get me wrong, I recognize the beauty of snow. For about three days during Christmas. But I was not ready for it when I walked out the door Monday morning. Made me want to turn around and drive back to Georgia. Not that the weather was perfect the whole time we were there, but at least it wasn't snowing.

We actually had a number of gorgeous 80 degree days while there. And some beautiful days even when the temperatures dropped a bit.  We definitely tried to take advantage of the nice weather and sunshine when available.

Bubbles are, of course, a perennial favorite with all of the kids. Thank you to Auntie Care-Care for thinking to give some to the kids when we got there.

A beautiful day at the Landings playground...

A sleepy boy trying to be a big boy on the swings.

Look at that face!

Our last day there it was chilly, raining in the morning so we planned a trip to the Children's Museum thinking it'd be a good day to be inside, only to show up and find out the museum was entirely outside.  Luckily, the weather had cleared up and it had turned into a gorgeous day.

Having recently learned to play tic-tac-toe, Kaelyn was very excited about the giant tic-tac-toe board.

Checking out a cute little reading nook.

Brennan spent a lot of time with the magnetic cars, trucks and trains. Very serious work going on here.

I remember Connect Four being one of my favorite games as a kid. How cool is this supersized game?

Matt helped Bren ring the bell.

And we couldn't leave without a trip to the water table where Bren tried to pull out the seaweed and Kaelyn dug for shells.

Of course there were several instances of golfing as well but I didn't get any pictures. And actually, Brennan did most of his golfing indoors. He's actually getting quite good. We left his clubs at Nana and Pop's for the next visit so now he uses a fake apple from my autumn decorations and the Wii golf club to practice around our house.

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