Monday, March 4, 2013

As you turn two

Our dearest little tiny Brennie,

You are growing up so fast. You are both a delight to watch and mystery to be solved (or not). You're giggle lights up my world, your cry breaks my heart and your screams of defiance make me want to pull my hair out.

As you turn two today, I want to take a few minutes to remember what your life is like right now.

Despite your sister's best efforts to do all your talking you are talking more every day and I love hearing your little voice shout with excitement, "Mama, watch dis!" I wish I could bottle it up to take out and open when you are sixteen and saying, "Leave me alone Mom!"  You can count to five now and for the past couple weeks have been able to hold up two fingers (sometimes with assistance) to tell people you will be two. You are starting to recognize letters and correctly identify some colors. I think you can get all the colors right when you actually concentrate and try. Yesterday, waiting in Kaelyn's preschool dropoff line, you excitedly called out, "Two Bees!" At first I questioned what you were saying. It's February, there are no bees out. And then I realized you saw the two large "B"'s on the side of the school.

You love to sing and dance. You get excited to do Dance Party that Maya let us borrow for the Wii, but for some reason you never actually dance to this. But you do love to dance to jingles on commercials.  And we catch you singing all the time. Not little kid songs. You can most often be heard singing along to Mumford and Sons "I Will Wait" but you also try to sing along to several other of your favorite hit songs.

You are truly a little boy. You love to run and jump and climb and ride your bike. You love trains and cars and trucks. You love playing these with your big sister but for some reason she just can't always understand the joy you get from pushing a truck around the house. "Playing trucks is boring" to her but you would happily push them around for an hour saying "vroom" and occasionally crashing them into each other.

You are communicating better and sleeping better (knock on wood) so we are blessed with fewer tantrums than 6 months ago. I'm hoping we are already on the down-swing of the terrible two's (which inexplicably seem to start well before the age of two). But you still know how to make we want to throw my hands up in the air and lock myself in my bedroom sometimes. Life is never dull but frequently unpredictable with you around.

You still love your paci. You like to cuddle with your pup-pup and blanket too, but paci is really the only thing that comforts you when you are too tired, get hurt or are really upset about not getting your way. This will be changing very soon, but for a few more days (maybe weeks) we'll try to appreciate the cuteness of your little pleas for "pa-see" when you are upset.

And you are still as snuggly as the day you were born. I remember after the first night in the hospital with you one of the nurses brought you back to the room and said you were the snuggliest little baby. I thought "whatever, don't all babies like to be held and snuggle? how can you tell he's more snuggly than the rest?" But I soon found out how right she was. I will truly miss your snuggles when you outgrow it.

There's so much more I'd like to remember about life with you at two, but since I'm already wiping tears from eyes I'll stop here and end by saying...

Happy Birthday Brennan! We love you so much!

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