Thursday, April 18, 2013

Wall Art

While I am all for adding new artwork to the walls in our home, what I saw when I turned around from making lunch yesterday isn't exactly what I have in mind.

Don't get me wrong. I'm glad my kids like to express themselves creatively. But this isn't the first inappropriate place Brennan has colored lately. And I haven't been having the best luck removing the so-called artwork.

My first reaction was to scream, "Brennan! No!!!" Which I immediately knew was the wrong response and tried to correct. But it was too late. Brennan went in to full pout mode, hunted down his paci's, curled in a ball on Rudy's chair and refused to eat his lunch. He eventually forgave me and decided to eat, whether from hunger or because he forgot what he was upset about, I don't know. But I was still stressed about getting that crayon off the wall.

Luckily, we live in the age of the internet, and with a quick google search I had a possible solution. A hairdryer! Yep, a hairdryer. First I tried removing with my go-to all purpose cleaner - warm water, Dawn and vinegar. Didn't touch it. So I decided to try the hairdryer advice, and sure enough, after pointing the dryer at a section of the wall for about 30 seconds and then wiping, it came right off.  I'm sure a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser would have worked too, but those things are darn expensive and I didn't have any in the house. This way was much cheaper and I didn't have to go to the store.  Now, if only it would work on the art on the t.v. stand, end table and the pen marks Kaelyn got on the hall wall...

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