Sunday, May 12, 2013

It's a bird, it's a plane...

... no, it's Super Brennan!

Superman likes to fly but apparently he also likes to pick dandelions. I've received countless bouquets in the past few weeks. From both of the kids.  The dandelion bouquets not only remind me it's Spring, they really make me feel like a mom (just in case I somehow forgot). What kid didn't pick little yellow flowers and proudly give them to their mom when they were little? It's like a right of passage to the toddler and little kid years of motherhood.

And for the record, he wore that Superman pajama shirt all day yesterday. Even to our fancy lunch to celebrate Mother's Day. Thankfully he also let Matt put a sweater over it to go the restaurant. This was actually the third time in the past week that he's left his pajama shirt on all day, even out in public. Oh, well! Choose your battles!

My boys! :)

His first taste of lemonade. I think he's hooked.

Flying their "kites" on a very blustery day. Dada had better luck with one of the real kites later.

Sweet and thoughtful. Too bad that pose only lasted another 2 seconds.

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful moms in our lives! Love you all!

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