Tuesday, September 17, 2013


We've been in New Hampshire two weeks and we've already been to two festivals.  I've been reading about so many fun things to do around the state and talking to Kaelyn about them to get her excited about the move, so I really want to make sure we take advantage of all the activities available to us and really experience the area.

Our first weekend here, even though we were still surrounded by boxes, we ventured over to Hampton for the annual Seafood Festival. We got there early to beat the crowds - and Brennan's meltdowns.

It was a beautiful day by the ocean.

I'm very thankful to have kids who love seafood, even if it is a little expensive. Brennan's favorite was bacon wrapped scallops.We also indulged in lobster mac n' cheese, lobster roll and fried clams.

Kaelyn was most excited about dipping her toes in the ocean.

 However, they did a little more than dip and Brennan ended up with a wet ride home.

This past weekend I found out about a Butterfly Festival about 20 minutes away at Petals in the Pines. Since we had studied butterflies a lot last year and Kaelyn seems really interested in them I thought this would be a fun adventure.

Unfortunately, we didn't actually see any butterflies. We did get to see one monarch chrysalis and several black swallow tail chrysalis. The botanist informed us there was a big decline in the monarch population this year due to lack of milkweed plants.

The kids still had fun though. Brennan loved the chickens. And we got to see a lot of pretty flowers. Kaelyn and Brennan even got the picture in the Concord Monitor.

What adventure should we go on next weekend?

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