I'm sorry, but there's really not a nicer way to say it. Two weeks ago we left Indiana. A place we went to "temporarily" seven years ago with no intention of staying after Matt's internship at the golf office was up. A place we went to with no family and no friends. A place that became home. The place that saw us get engaged. Married. The place where our kids were born. Where we bought our first house. Where we made friends. Where friends became family. A place that will forever be a part of us. A place with people who will forever be a part of us.
I'm not very good at good-byes. Especially when there's no knowing when, if ever, you'll see someone or some place again. I hope we get to go back and visit. I hope we get to see all our friends again. I hope they know that they are always more than welcome in our home, wherever that may be. But the future holds no guarantees so as I said good-bye to friends and places I just pretended it was the same as every other everyday good-bye. We'll get together again soon.
Thankfully Brennan didn't really understand what was going on. Kaelyn on the other hand, understood just enough to make it hard talking with her about it. She knew we were leaving. She didn't seem too upset about it. But she continued to ask when we'd see people again or go places again. And she'd say things like, "But we can come back and visit when we want to see them again." She understood. But she doesn't understand how far 1,000 miles actually is. We let her have a birthday party with all friends this year. One last big get together before we "come back and visit when we want to."
Our last week was filled with good-bye get togethers. I only wish I had remembered to take pictures at all of them.
The playgroup moms, who have been an amazing source of support and fun the past five years. The mother's of Kaelyn's and Brennan's first friends.
A lot of time was spent with these guys over the summer. Brennan talks about them every day. Kaelyn's future husband. I don't think they stopped holding hands the entire summer.
And where would I be without this lady. I have no words.
Ok. Composure now. Time to say good-bye to some of our favorite places.
Province Park
One last trip to the zoo
Birthday dinner at Pizza King
Franklin Library
Our first home
We will be lucky to find friends in "New Hammy" like we have in Indiana.
On to a new adventure!
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