Ok, so here are a few things we've up to during the past two months.
Visit to a Sugar House in March to see how maple syrup is made. Kaelyn was learning about maple trees and sugaring in her nature studies that month. Brennan was mostly interested in the cow train, which he rode once with each of us and then wanted to go a third time by himself. Kaelyn was freezing the whole time.
Spring has sprung (sort of)! Easter Celebrations:
Coloring eggs and egg hunt at the park.
Happy Easter!
Spring vacation. Staying close to home. Playing at the park. Hiking. Riding bikes. (Kaelyn was a little infatuated with her two new umbrellas.)
And that's really about it. We've just been trying to play outside as much as we can and enjoy the Spring weather while it's here. Four more weeks of school and then Summer vacation!
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