Tuesday, May 20, 2014

She does it again

Yes, ok. It has been over two months since my last post. I think that's a record. So, I have quite a bit to catch up on. First up, our little star does it again. Kaelyn has made her third appearance in the local newspaper. I guess the girl's got charisma. I always knew we we couldn't be the only ones to think she was adorable.

(Just ignore the make-up-less gray-haired lady on the right. Focus on the beautiful girl on the left.)

You can see the story here. I'll summarize and tell you that the story was about a big 5k race in town to benefit Concord Hospital’s Payson Center for Cancer Care. No, we did not participate. We were the lazy ones on the side of the road watching. The route happened to go along the street behind our house. So, we decided to go out and cheer and look for Kaelyn's best friend who was actually in the race. Maybe next year we'll do better and join in for a good cause. I can tell you right now though that I will not run. I can handle walking. Maybe.

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