Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband and father of my beautiful children! Cheesy as this may be, I'll say it anyway, they truly are lucky to have you as their dad.
Matt, dressed up all fancy for his birthday. (Actually, he had the big fall meeting for work.) |
The kids and I went birthday shopping over the weekend while Matt was out of town. Before we left for the store I asked Kaelyn what she thought we should get Dada for his birthday. She thought for a minute, "Hmmm... (finger tapping her lip) I think Dada would like a rabbit!" I can only assume she came up with this because of her attachment to her Bun-bun and the recent favorite game of bun-bun hide-and-seek she's been playing with Dada. Or, it came out of thin air. Who knows how a three-year old's mind works. Wherever she got the idea I wasn't going to argue. I did, however, opt to assume she meant a stuffed rabbit and not a real one. Unfortunately, after scouring the aisles of Target there were no stuffed rabbits to be found. And I wasn't about to go traipsing to multiple stores with two kids to find a stuffed rabbit for a grown man. So, Kaelyn very matter-of-factly said, "Maybe Dada would like something else." She decided on clothes. I could live with that. He's always saying he wants more t-shirts anyway. Unfortunately again, nothing really looked like something Matt would like. And Kaelyn's focus was significantly diminished. Instead of looking at the clothes with me she was repeating, "I want to go look at princess things, because I'm a princess." (She had spotted the Disney princess aisle while looking for the rabbit.) So, with a little guidance she finally settled on a small (wallet-size) picture frame. She wasn't interested in any of the bigger frames, only the "tiny guys." And we ended our trip with a fifteen minute visit to the princess aisle.
Birthday lunch at Red Robin. |
The kids surprised Dada at his meeting with a special golf-themed cake. I wish I could say I made it myself. |
I love the argyle cake sides! Maybe you should keep looking for the rabbit... Christmas is right around the corner.