Monday, February 20, 2012

Word to your mother

Mama. Mommy. Mom. Mother.  They all refer to the same person yet can mean very different things.  And I am all of these things.  But I prefer my kids to call me Mama. Or Mommy.  Or even Mom.  Not Mother.  But alas, my youngest has yet to call me Mama and my oldest has taken to calling me Mother.  Most of her 3 1/2 years so far she's called me Mama.  There have been a few phases of Mommy and Mom but she always reverts back to Mama.  But now I am Mother.  And I don't like it.  It's much to formal for my taste. And not nearly warm and loving enough. You don't cuddle and have tea parties with Mother.  Those activities are reserved for Mama and Mommy.  And when the kids grow up I will welcome being called Mom.  But I truly never expected my kids to call me Mother.  Hopefully this phase, too shall pass.  Ok, I do admit it is a little cute hearing her soft sweet voice saying, "Mother."  But, I am very much looking forward to being called Mama again, by at least one of my children.

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