Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Runs in the family

Looks like there may be a chance at least one of the kids will be an engineer when they grow up. Just like their Pop.

Bren has been really into building towers lately.  He can usually get them about 4 blocks high before they fall over. He might help himself out a little if he'd move his towers to a hard, flat surface. I guess the boy likes a good challenge.

So focused.

He was quite pleased with himself. He often claps for himself too.

I think it's about to tumble!

And of course Kaelyn is not one to be left out. She started building little "castles" with him the other day and then was inspired when she looked at the side of the block box.

"Look Mama! You can build one with ALL the blocks!"

And that's exactly what she proceeded to do.

She was concentrating very hard.

Make sure you check out the background of this one.

And here is the finished product. Quite an impressive castle if you ask me.

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