Oh boy! How did four years go by so fast?! My little baby girl is all grown up. Well, not quite. But it sure feels like it.
Kaelyn's favorites right now (all according to her):
Color: red. pink and black. and orange and green
Princess: Jasmine and Rapunzel
Food: grilled cheese
Show: Octonauts
Movie: Pretty Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
Game: Mickey's Road Rally (iPad app)
Thing to do with Bren: play in castle and vanity
Thing to do with Dada: be silly
Thing to do with Mama: reading
Thing to do with friends: going to the park
Book: 10 Little Rubber Ducks, by Eric Carle
Animal: Tiger and a lion
Song: Princess Song (If You Can Dream, from her Disney Princess CD)
Restaurant: Steak N Shake
Drink: Lemonade
Person on TV: Brian Williams (I like Rapunzel too)
And here are a "few" pictures from the week long celebration of her birthday and revolving door of sweets and general smorgasbord of food.
Very excited for her cupcake celebration with Uncle Joey (and Maya) |
Homemade princess crown for her party. Cute. Unfortunately it didn't stay on very well. Guess Mama needs to measure better next time. |
I tried not to go overboard on decorations and planning, but I had to do something. Besides, I already had all the material I needed and a princess requires a little something fancy. |
Reading a new book with Auntie Care-Care. |
The strawberry princess cake she requested. I think she would have been more excited for Disney princesses on it, but she was still satisfied with this. |
Jasmine doll. The only thing she asked for this year. |
On the giant climbing contraption at The Commons in Columbus. We were quite impressed with her fearlessness. |
Climbing. She would have gone on for hours if we hadn't stopped her to go to her birthday dinner. |
She made a few friends while she was up there and joined a "club." |
Waiting for her special birthday treat at Zaharakos. (With the special prize she got at dinner - a magnifying glass.) |
A double scoop of raspberry chocolate chip with whipped cream and a cherry on top. What better way to cap off her fourth birthday. (She didn't even finish half.) |
She looks so grown up in that last picture!