Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Soccer Mom

Well, it's official. Kaelyn had her first soccer practice last week. You can now call me a soccer mom.

But let's just say it wasn't the best practice ever. 

I love her technique on the push ups. I'll have to have her teach me that.

She was getting a little frustrated during the keep-away game, decided she didn't like it, started crying and came and sat by me for at least 15 minutes.

She also spent about half the practice either itching her eczema or picking her nose and licking it. Yep, she's the nose picker on the team.

But she did try for most of the practice. And, in her defense when I took her temperature later that night it was almost 101 and she woke up with croup early the next morning. So... I guess she wasn't feeling too well and that may have led to the meltdown during keep-away.

The funniest part was probably that she also started crying on the way home "because she only wanted to get one drink of water during practice and she got two." What?! Ok, Kaelyn. Next time only take one drink of water then.

Oh, and I struggled to keep Brennan off the field. He wanted to go play with his big sister and other big kids so badly.

And can I tell you the truth?  As much as I'm sure I will love watching them play, I'm really not looking forward to the real Soccer Mom years. Running from one practice to another and eating dinner in the car. I mean, I know it's good for them to be active and involved in things but I really love our quiet evening routines at home. And I already feel busy with just two mornings of preschool and two nights of soccer a week.  I guess I'm a bit of a homebody.  I'll have to really cherish and appreciate the evenings we have for the next couple of years before it gets really crazy around here.

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