Monday, August 6, 2012

Not so puzzled??

Ok, so I couldn't think of a good title for this. Kaelyn's been into doing puzzles again lately.  Around the time Brennan was born she would do puzzles all the time. And there were three - Princess, monkeys and Halloween - that she could do completely by herself in like no time at all.  But then I guess she got puzzled out and hadn't been doing them as much and always wanted help when she did.

A couple weeks ago she started pulling out the puzzles more again. And a couple days ago she did this 100 piece puzzle entirely by herself. And it's kinda tricky. Even for me.

Seriously. I did not touch one piece. Ok, maybe I picked one up off the ground when it fell. 

It took her about 24 hours, but hey, you know 3-year-olds get distracted easily. But I loved how she would sit and work on it quietly and intently for like 15 or 20 minutes at a time. Or while she was eating.

Nice work sweetie!

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