Why do our feet have toes? We looked this one up and found this answer. I think I'll have to bookmark this website.
Why are our tongues red? Looked this one up too, just to make sure I wasn't giving her bad info. I was a little bit wrong.
Why does our poop smell? Yes, she really asked me this the other day. Somehow I avoided giving her an answer.
Why do you not like spit all over the house? Because it's gross Kaelyn and it spreads germs.
Why did I fall and hit my neck like that? Because you weren't paying attention to what you were doing.
K: Why am I wearing my purple leggings?
Me: Because you wanted to.
K: Why did I want to?
Me: I don't know. I guess cause you like them.
K: Why do I like them?
Me: I don't know. Because you think they're pretty.
K: Why do I think they're pretty?
Me: Maybe because you like the color purple.
K: But why do I like purple?
And on, and on, and on, and...
Ah, the mind of a three-year old. She really does know how to wear me out sometimes.
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