So, I tend to mostly write about the big events in our life because, well, they're sort of easy to write about and of course I want to record the big things like trips, holidays and milestones. But lately I've been feeling like the day to day little things are even more important to record. One, they are easier to forget. It seems like time passes so quickly and the daily life memories just flit away. Sometimes I think back to when Kaelyn was a baby and it can be hard to remember what our days were like. Yes, it probably has something to do with my "Mommy brain." But I also think if we don't focus on the little things they go unnoticed or can be easily forgotten. And two, I truly cherish my day-to-day life with the kids right now. I want to remember how it feels sitting in our little living room on a sunny afternoon (or a rainy one) watching the kids play together, cooking in the kitchen, Kaelyn making "strawberry cafe" and Brennan putting Rudy's squeaky toy in the oven over and over again (much to Rudy's dismay), hearing their giggles and Kaelyn's motherly instructions to Brennan and then shrieks and screams as they get frustrated with each other for not sharing. So, here's a quick list of some of the little things I want to remember right now.
- Brennan never sitting still, especially in his high chair, which makes meal times quite an adventure.
Yes, folks, I did buckle him in. And, yes, he did make it all the way on to the table at one point |
- Kaelyn sleeping on the floor with about 87 blankets surrounded by her books rather than in her big comfy bed. Why? Let's just say it has to do with a very bad dream and a night I don't care to relive.
- She also comes out of her room an average of 4 times after bedtime. First, "to go potty and poopy and I lost my special tuck." Second, she wants to know what time she's going to get up. Third, she wants us "to make sure there are no scary things out there." And fourth, either for no reason at all or she needs to give us some tiny piece of trash she found in her room.
- Brennan playing with Rudy's bowls (just like his sister did) and he loves ice (just like his sister). I wonder if he'll call it "issshhe" when he starts talking too.
- Watching Brennan slowly and stiffly trying to walk and then smoothly and swiftly crawl away after he falls down.
- Brennan has been doing a lot of mimicking lately. When he finds a brush he crawls over to either me or Kaelyn (and sometimes Matt) and "brushes" our hair. He was also trying to feed Dada at dinner the other night. He sometimes "washes" Kaelyn in the bath when finds the washcloth. He also likes to pretend to stir things.
- Kaelyn asking after almost every meal if she "ate much of her dinner" and can she have treat.
- Brennan getting excited and crawling straight to Dada every day when he gets home. He also likes to give kisses.
- Last week Brennan learned how to high-five and thinks it's the funniest game in the world.
- Kaelyn riding on Dada's back around the couch, usually with Brennan close behind, who then tries to climb on as soon as they stop.
- Brennan playing with the cars and even making an almost "vroom-vroom" sound when he pushes them around.
- Brennan trying to crawl into Kaelyn's room to get her up from nap. When I finally let him in he crawls on top of her and gives her a hug and kiss. She wakes up with a smile every time.

- Brennan starting to love books and reading. He especially likes touchy-feely books, "Dinosaur's Binkit" and "Goodnight Moon."
- Kaelyn helping me cook and wearing her apron.
- Brennan being obsessed with opening and closing the CD player in his room. I used to run to "rescue" the cd from him and put it somewhere out of reach (usually the crib). Now he takes it out and either puts it in the crib himself or looks for me to come and get it.
- Snuggling in bed in the morning with the whole family. Ok, it's a little more snuggly before B wakes up (see first item) but we some fun memories with everyone piled in.
- Brennan tackling Kaelyn.

- Kaelyn, ever the princess, in her dress up clothes or fancy dresses, gobs of jewelry, tiara and high heals.
- Brennan being mesmerized Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. Seriously, the other night he wouldn't stop fussing for anything - paci, being held, music - and then Jeopardy came on and he quietly sat in the middle of the room watching, not making a sound.
- Brennan really trying to figure out how things work. He loves trying to put tops back on things, especially his baby food jars. I've actually saved a couple just to distract him during meals while I try to shove his food in his mouth before he tries climbing on the table.
- Watching the kids play together happily in Kaelyn's princess tent. And five minutes later having to put it away because Kaelyn couldn't handle that Brennan kept tipping it over.
- And just realizing how much the kids actually love each other and how truly blessed we are.
Love, love, love the memories! It's all the little stuff I have forgotten too. New memories sometimes crowd out the little daily ones that make up our lives and make us who we are. Keep blogging...I look forward to it!