Change can be difficult.
But change is good.
Without change we wouldn't have beautiful butterflies. We got to witness first-hand the beauty of the life-cycle by watching caterpillars grow into butterflies. Kaelyn got a butterfly garden with voucher for live caterpillars, along with some other various butterfly paraphernalia for her birthday this year. So we ordered the caterpillars and watched them change.
.JPG) |
The caterpillars |
Chrysalis |
One butterfly is born |
Four butterflies eventually emerged |
Observing and feeding the butterflies |
The Painted Lady. Beautiful wings. |
Preparing to release. |
Crawling to freedom |
Looking for the opening |
Free butterfly! |
We've been going through some changes ourselves lately. It seems like the kids are growing so fast. Sometimes I look at Kaelyn and can't believe my baby has grown into this little girl who talks, and thinks and has a mind all her own. She can write her own name and is reading a few words.

And Brennan. Oh my Lordy, Brennan! I'm not sure how it happened, but about a month ago I blinked and when I opened my eyes my sweet little cuddly baby boy was gone. And in his place was a boy (still very cuddly, and sometimes sweet) with a stubborn streak, a mind of his own and a pension for running away when told to do something and pulling off his diaper. I hate to put a negative label on it, but it seems we have entered the "terrible two's." This is not going to be easy. Brennan is very strong-willed. And very strong. (Yes, I know I am a lot bigger and stronger than him. But when trying to change his diaper or get him buckled in his seat it takes two hands and pretty much my whole upper body to just to hold him still, which leaves me with legs and feet to do the buckle or strap the diaper. Not very effective.)
I have to think up new tricks just about every day just to get a poopy diaper off and the boy dressed. You see, he's also getting very smart so he only falls for the same trick once or twice and then it's back to the drawing board. We've already pulled out the little potty for him to sit on since he often refuses to wear his diaper. And I've had to clean up several messes on the floors. One which still shows evidence and will probably need a professional carpet cleaner. When I tell him he either has to put on his diaper or sit on the potty he gets a big smile and runs to the potty. He loves to just sit there (like his big sister) but then he'll squat in front of it and pee all over the floor.

So, while I try to keep telling myself that these changes in him are good - they show that he is developmentally on track and will one day become a strong, independent person - when we're running late to take Kaelyn to school and Brennan has wedged himself between the car and trash can to avoid getting in his car seat, I might need some friendly reminders from others about why this is a good thing. And any new tricks to use would be appreciated too!
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