Monday, September 3, 2012

Summer Round Up, Part 1

Today marks the unofficial end of summer.  So I've decided that over the next week or two I'm going to do a "Summer Round Up" series featuring some of my favorite pictures and memories from the summer that haven't already made it on the blog. Without further ado...

Wearing Mama's shirt. Around his neck. His father is so proud.

Playing nice.

Snuggle time!

I don't really have any words for this one.

Snuggle time with Maya.

Make a wish!

Is she trying to get her coin back? Maybe she wants to change her wish.

We visited the library every couple of weeks to return books, pick out new ones, read and do puzzles.

Fourth of July at the David's.  It was so hot we changed into our suits five minutes after arriving and didn't change back until we got home.

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