Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Summer Round Up, Part 2: Museum Fun

We went to The Children's Museum a lot this summer. Yet it still felt like Kaelyn was asking me every day, "When are we going to go to the Dinosaur Museum again?"  I especially took advantage of any time we had visitors in town or were able to get friends to go with us.  It's pretty necessary to have an extra adult around these days. They both have a mind of their own and tend to go in different directions. Needless to say I am always super paranoid about losing one of them. Especially when it's crowded. Which it was a lot when we went.

They both loved the new Hot Wheels exhibit.


In the dinosaur exhibit, a perennial favorite:

Time to dig!

Uncle Joey had to turn on the flashlight on his phone so Bren wouldn't be scared in the cave.

Lego time. They had fun building. And Kaelyn spent about 20 minutes in the flight simulator on a non-busy day (no other kids were waiting that time). We had to drag her away to go eat lunch.

Train Time! Choo Choo!

No visit is complete without a ride on the carousel.

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